Before you startThis form is for submitting photos to aid a telephone consultation.You should only submit photos if you already have or intend booking a telephone appointment so we can discuss a plan.If you do not submit your query, no details will be sent to the practice.You must be over 16 to use this service, although you may use this service to contact the practice about a person you care for who is under 16.You must be currently registered as a patient with Gillbrae Medical Practice .You must be currently in the UK. I confirm that I am registered at Gillbrae Medical Practice and currently in the UK Only patients registered with Gillbrae Medical Practice and currently in the UK can use this service. I confirm I am over 16 years old. Although a parent or carer can use this system to contact us about under 16s, only people who are 16 years old or over can complete this form. I agree to the transmission and storage of information and images to Gillbrae Medical Practice. Information and photographs will be handled by our administration staff and passed to an appropriate team member I am NOT seeking urgent medical attention Any urgent queries should contact the practice directly. I have already spoken to or have an appointment booked We do not want to receive photo's without a plan to discuss them with you