During the corona-virus pandemic we had to adapt our working practices, and whilst we may not have been as visible, we were working extremely hard speaking to our patients, as well as seeing face to face when necessary.
We learnt a lot during this time around different ways of delivering care. A lot of problems can be dealt with over the phone, without needing to come into the practice at all. We have encouraged photographs of skin complaints to be sent to the practice for review rather than needing to be seen face to face. We have video consultations as well for more interaction.
Patients requiring further assessment can be signposted directly to the correct resource, or have investigations arranged before seeing the clinician. This allows best use of everybody's time, allowing a fuller assessment with results and tests.
We intend to continue promote remote consultation, whether by electronic or telephone means, but will still be available to see patients face to face where there is a need for clinical examination.
Some procedures may take longer and the doctor or receptionist will advise you if more time is required.
- If you want a contraceptive implant, you should make a five minute telephone appointment with Dr Buchan in the first instance. She will discuss the options with you and make a further appointment with you for insertion.
- If you want a coil or IUS fitted, you should make a five minute telephone appointment with Dr Raj in the first instance. At this appointment, she will discuss your options. She will make an appointment with you for fitting the coil.
- Minor surgery is carried out by Drs Beaumont, Ewas & Carruthers, but any lesion needs to be assessed by a doctor first before you make an appointment to ensure that it is suitable for excision in the surgery
Please remember that our senior nurses may be the more appropriate clinician to see you e.g. if your asthma is troubling you.